Created on: April 15, 2024
Modified on: April 18, 2024

Welcome to Safety Matters! They are dedicated to providing comprehensive training programs to ensure your safety and success while working in Ireland. Their courses are tailored to equip you with the essential knowledge and skills needed to thrive in your professional endeavors in Ireland.

Training programs are delivered by experienced professionals and are designed to meet the unique needs of individuals preparing to work in Ireland. Whether you are new to the country or seeking to enhance your existing skills, Safety Matters is here to support your journey to success.

For more information or to enroll in training programs, please contact them at


Note: If you are hoping to open a bakery then you will need to register your kitchen with the Health Board and give a Food Business Notification you can find more information on this at the website.

You should also complete the HACCP Level 2 training course, as described above or at the link.