Created on: February 16, 2024
Modified on: May 14, 2024

In contrast to academic recognition, which focuses on the assessment and recognition of educational level and includes higher education, diplomas, degrees, etc., professional recognition is most often required to practice a specific profession. The purpose of such regulation is to ensure the necessary standards of professional qualifications for all workers doing a particular job.

In Ireland, vocational qualifications are usually regulated by different bodies depending on the industry. The Department of Education provides online information on regulated occupations. You can find a list of professions and the bodies that regulate them here.

The process of regulation includes the assessment of your qualifications or recognition and subsequent registration. This registration is a statutory registration by which each individual member of a profession is recognized by the body that regulates that profession as qualified to practice within that profession in accordance with a formal process provided by law. Unlike voluntary registration systems, this is a legally mandatory process: all individuals who wish to practice must be registered and can be held accountable for their practice if they fail to register. Before you can apply for registration, you must first apply for an international qualification as part of the process of recognizing your qualification.

The process of professional recognition of Ukrainian qualifications in Ireland may differ depending on the specific profession and field of activity. The general approach includes the following steps:

1.Definition of a professional body:

– Identification of the organization or body responsible for recognizing qualifications in a particular field. For example, for medical professions, this may be the Irish Medical Council, for engineers – Engineers Ireland, and so on.

2. Documents required:

– Prepare all the necessary documents confirming your Ukrainian qualifications and work experience. This may include diplomas, certificates, letters of recommendation, and information about your work experience.

3. Applying an application:

– Apply for professional recognition of qualifications to the relevant professional authority. This usually involves online submission of documents and filling out a special form.

4. Assessment procedure:

– Your application will be reviewed by a professional authority that will assess your qualifications and experience according to their standards.

5. Additional requirements:

– You may be asked to get additional professional experience to complete your training, or to take a training course or an aptitude test.

6.Making a decision:

– Receive notification of the decision on your application. If your qualifications are recognized, you may be eligible to work in the relevant profession in Ireland.

More detailed recommendations on the process of recognising individual professions can be found on the Google Drive “Recognition of Ukrainian professions/ qualifications”

You should contact a specific professional authority or official sources in each case to obtain up-to-date and accurate information on the process of professional recognition.