Created on: April 19, 2024
Modified on: May 30, 2024

Although children are not obliged to begin education until the age of 6, most 5-year-old children are at school. Primary education consists of an 8-year cycle: junior infants, senior infants, first, second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth class. In Ireland, all children are entitled to free primary education.

The curriculum includes subjects like English, Irish (Gaeilge), Mathematics, Science, History, Geography, Art, and Physical Education (PE).

Ireland has diverse types of primary schools, including denominational (Catholic, Church of Ireland, etc.), multi-denominational (all faiths and beliefs), and Gaelscoileanna (Irish-language schools). Some schools may have religious instruction, but parents/guardians can usually choose whether their child participates.

The primary school system aims to provide a well-rounded education, fostering personal, social, and academic development. After completing primary school, students move on to post primary education.

The transition from primary to post primary education marks a significant milestone in a student’s academic journey in Ireland.

Each parent of a student progressing from primary school to secondary (post-primary) school needs to fill out an enrolment form with the local secondary school. Sometimes local secondary schools call to primary schools to promote their school in the locality. Each secondary school offers open days or open evenings where parents and students can visit the school. On these events parents and students get the chance to explore what the school offers and they can enquire about extracurricular activities.


Regional Education and Language Teams (REALT)

The department has put in place a system of Regional Education and Language Teams hosted by the 16 regional education and training boards (ETBs) to support the education needs of children from Ukraine arriving in Ireland.

A core function of the REALT is to help families to find a school place. This work involves working with the families, school principals and communities to locate school places, providing relevant information as well as signposting to supports across the system.

Below is the email and phone contact details for REALT in County Kerry:

phone: 086 010 8222


If your child(ren) are registered in a primary school and you move to a new location, you must inform the school that you are moving.

If your child(ren) require support in accessing a school place in primary education, please fill in the online form below.

Support to Access School Places Form

If you have relocated in County Kerry to a new area in County Kerry and require assistance in accessing education in your new area, please fill in the online form below

Support to Access School Places Form