Created on: April 15, 2024
Modified on: April 18, 2024

Safety Matters is committed to providing employers and employees with the essential knowledge and skills required for safe manual handling practices. Manual Handling Training Course is designed to equip you with the principles and practices necessary to minimize the risk of injury associated with manual handling tasks.

Course Overview:

This comprehensive course covers the following key areas:

• Understanding Manual Handling Risks:
• Identify the potential risks and hazards associated with manual handling activities.
• Learn about the common types of injuries that can occur due to poor manual handling practices.

Risk Assessment:

• Understand the importance of conducting a thorough risk assessment before carrying out manual handling tasks.
• Learn how to identify hazards, evaluate risks, and implement control measures to reduce the likelihood of

Control Measures:

• Discover effective strategies for controlling and minimizing manual handling risks in the workplace.
• Learn about the use of mechanical aids, ergonomic principles, and safe lifting techniques to prevent injuries.

Course Benefits:

• Equip employers and employees with the knowledge and skills necessary for safe manual handling practices.
• Reduce the risk of workplace injuries and musculoskeletal disorders caused by manual handling activities.
• Ensure compliance with health and safety regulations regarding manual handling.
• Empower organizations to create a safer and healthier work environment for their employees.