Created on: February 16, 2024
Modified on: May 2, 2024

In Ireland, strict requirements for criminal background checks are established for professions involving work with children, vulnerable groups, or in the healthcare field.

It is important to note that the requirements may vary depending on the specific organization, employer, or field of work. If you have a specific profession or field you are interested in, it is recommended to contact the relevant professional body or employer in Ireland to obtain accurate information about the requirements for a criminal background check.

Obtaining a criminal background check in Ireland involves undergoing the vetting process with the Garda Síochána National Vetting Bureau. The primary purpose of this is to check whether you have any criminal record or any specified reason that may pose a risk to vulnerable people.

The National Vetting Bureau (Children and Vulnerable Persons) Acts 2012 to 2016 provide a legislative framework for vetting individuals who perform relevant work with children or vulnerable persons. The law also provides for penalties for individuals who fail to comply with its provisions. An organization working with children or vulnerable groups must not permit any person to perform relevant work or activities on behalf of the organization unless it receives information from the National Vetting Bureau regarding that person.


On the website, you may make an application to be vetted in one of two ways:


To use eVetting service you must:

  • Be over 16 years old
  • If aged 16-18 years, have submitted signed “Parent / Guardian” consent form
  • Have or have access to a valid email address
  • Have access to the Internet
  • Have completed the “Proof of Identity” process


eVetting Steps

  1. The vetting subject manually completes and forwards to the Relevant Organisation a vetting Invitation Form (obtained from the Relevant Organisation) and provides proof of identity.
  2. The Relevant Organisation validates proof of identity and sends the vetting subject an e-mail with a link attached inviting him/her to complete a Vetting Application Form.
  3. The vetting subject completes a Vetting Application Form online and submits it to the Relevant Organisation.
  4. The Relevant Organisation reviews the Vetting Application Form and submits it to the National Vetting Bureau.
  5. The National Vetting Bureau processes the application and forwards a vetting disclosure to the Relevant Organisation.
  6. The Relevant Organisation reviews the vetting disclosure and as soon as is practicable provides a copy of the disclosure to the vetting subject.


Track application

Simply enter your application id and your date of birth to retrieve the latest status of your application.

To download the Guide “How to submit an electronic application for Garda Vetting” click here.

The National Vetting Bureau will still offer the facility to make an application for Garda Vetting using a paper application. 

  1. You should contact the Relevant Organisation you require vetting for and request a Garda Vetting Application Form.
  2. The vetting subject completes the Garda Vetting Application Form and returns it to the Relevant Organisation with proof of identity.
  3. The Relevant Organisation checks the application form and forwards the application to the National Vetting Bureau for processing.
  4. The application is processed by the National Vetting Bureau and on completion a vetting disclosure is forwarded to the Relevant Organisation.


There is no online facility to track paper applications. For any queries on the status of paper applications please contact the relevant Liaison Person with the Registered Organisation.

If the applicant has ever lived for a long period of time (12 months) outside of Ireland, a police certificate from each country in which he or she has lived must be presented and attached.

In Ukraine, a police clearance certificate is a document that certifies that a person has not been prosecuted for a crime, or that his or her criminal record has been expunged or cancelled, or that the person is not wanted. The correct name for this document is the Certificate of Non-Conviction, Absence (Presence) of a Criminal Record or Restrictions Provided for by the Criminal Procedure Law of Ukraine (Довідка про притягнення до кримінальної відповідальності, відсутність (наявність) судимості або обмежень, передбачених кримінальним процесуальним законодавством України).

The certificate is issued to a person who has reached the age of 14 at his/her personal request.

There are two ways to get the certificate:

  • electronic version – a certificate in the form of an extract from the information-analytical system “Accounting of information on bringing a person to criminal liability and having a criminal record” will be sent to the email address specified in the form;
  • paper version – the certificate can be picked up at the desired territorial service center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.


To get a certificate in electronic form, you must:

  1. Go to the website Electronic information services
  2. Go to the “Отримати витяг”
  3. Choose how you will confirm your identity – using an electronic signature or BankID
  4. Check your data, tick the box to authorize the processing of your data, and click the “Далі” button
  5. Fill in the place of registration (in case of change of full name, indicate what exactly was changed and what was the previous full name)
  6. Select the purpose of the certificate, what type of extract you need – full or abbreviated, enter your phone number and email address, and click the “Надіслати запит” button.


If you choose the “abbreviated” type of extract, it means that the certificate will include only information about the absence/presence of a criminal record. If you choose the “full” type of extract, your certificate will include information about criminal prosecution, absence/presence of a criminal record or restrictions provided for by the criminal procedure legislation of Ukraine.

You can also obtain a certificate of no criminal record in electronic form through app ” Дія ” of the State Services Online. To do this, just follow the link.

If you plan to submit a request in writing to obtain a police clearance certificate, you must personally or by a duly authorized representative (e.g., parents) apply to a territorial service center of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, regardless of your place of residence. The applicant must have an identity document with him or her. If the request is submitted through a representative, the representative must additionally provide an identity document; the original and a copy of the document authorizing the representative.

You can get a ready-made police clearance certificate in paper form only at the territorial service center of the Ministry of Foreignl Affairs, which you applied to in writing.

A police clearance certificate is issued free of charge within 30 calendar days.



∗ A relevant organization refers to an entity (including a legal person or unincorporated group of persons) that employs, contracts, or permits any person to perform relevant work or activities that primarily consist of regular and necessary interaction with or access to children or vulnerable persons.