Created on: March 27, 2024
Modified on: May 30, 2024

For grant application forms please  click here

Below are copies of the application forms for our main supports in eForm/PDF format (Application forms with the eForm format can easily be edited on your computer and saved)


  • For Mentoring Support please complete the online application form: Online Mentoring Application Form
  • To Apply for a  Feasibility Grant please go to our online application system at this address
  • For a Business Start Up Grant (aka Priming Grant) please go to our online application system at this address
  •  For a Business Expansion Grant please go to our online application system at this address


NOTE: Applications for Financial Support are submitted to the Evaluation & Approvals Committee for appraisal. This committee comprises members of the business community, financial institutions and local authority and they meet circa every two months. All documents relating to the application are submitted to the the committee one week in advance of their meeting for consideration.

The closing dates for 2024 Feasibility, Priming and Business Expansion grants are listed below. However early submission is recommended to allow review and amendments if required.


Meeting # Closing Date
Meeting 1 24/01/2024
Meeting 2 03/04/2024
Meeting 3 29/05/2024
Meeting 4 21/08/2024
Meeting 5 23/10/2024


For assistance with a Micro Finance Ireland Loan application please complete a Mentoring Form above:

Note that clients who avail of Microfinance via the Local Enterprise Office receive a reduced interest rate (set at 4.5% with effect from April 2020). The mentor of LEO Kerry will help you complete the Microfinance loan form and advise on the required documentation.  To see what is required as part of your Microfinance Application and the documents you will need, go to

Trading Online Voucher Application. To apply for a TOV (website) grant please contact the Local Enterprise Office Kerry (Tel: 066 71 83522 or  E-mail: ) prior to submitting your application.  Once you have attended a TOV seminar/webinar you will be emailed a link to allow you complete your application online.

For an Export Assistance Grant application please complete this application form:

Export Assistance Grant Form – TAME.doc (size 122.4 KB)