Created on: July 4, 2024
Modified on: July 4, 2024

The National Drugs Strategy recognises the key role that Local and Regional Drug and Alcohol Task Forces continue to play in addressing substance misuse problems. Cork Local Drug and Alcohol Task Force funds twenty-one projects across Cork City. Services including information and awareness raising, assessment, care planning, case management, brief interventions, holistic therapies, advocacy, onward referral, community-based counselling & pre and post treatment support are available from CLDATF funded projects.

Drug & alcohol projects provide a range of supports, information & evidence based interventions to assist service users in progressing their care. Services including a range of the following are offered:

  • Information and awareness raising
  • Assessment
  • Care planning
  • Case management
  • Brief interventions
  • Holistic therapies
  • Advocacy
  • Onward referral
  • Community-based counselling
  • Pre and post treatment support


More information on the CLDATF website