Basic Adult Learning:
These courses focus on Literacy, Numeracy, English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) & Digital Skills. They are available in Adult Learning Centres and other centres in the community as Community Education. Fáilte Isteach is a community project, which provides migrants with conversational English classes throughout Ireland. These courses are very informal and offer a relaxed approach to learning.
Returning to Learning:
These courses focus on providing basic employment skills and basic vocational training. They are available in local areas and are conducted in Adult Learning Centres, Community Training Centres and Youthreach Centres. Youthreach Centres are second-chance education centres for those aged 15-21* years of age who have left school. All of these options are provided in a group class setting and support is provided by tutors.
Vocational Skills:
These courses provide training in a range of specific disciplines such as Business, Science, Engineering, Healthcare, Childcare. They are available in Post Leaving Cert (PLC) Colleges and Training Centres and contain a substantial work experience component.
Apprenticeships offer accredited programmes of structured education and training which combine and alternate learning in the workplace with learning in an education and training centre.
eCollege offers an online training that provides a range of high quality interactive online learning courses, available any time through broadband Internet access, for those who wish to learn at their own pace.
*Local eligibility criteria may apply