Created on: July 4, 2024
Modified on: August 6, 2024

Giving up alcohol or drugs, or trying to control it, is a very personal journey. There are different ways you can successfully make a change.

You may decide to do it on your own or get some support.

You alone can do it but can’t do it alone.

Support can make a huge difference. Do not be afraid to get help if you feel you’d benefit from it. There are many people who understand how you are feeling and who can help and support you.

Support from friends and family

It can be scary to tell friends and family what you are doing. It may mean admitting that you have a problem. You may worry about letting them down if you do not succeed.

At the same time, friends and family can help and support you.

Support from people with similar issues

It can be a relief to talk with other people who have similar experiences. Support from people in the same situation is sometimes called peer support.

Peer support includes:

  • face-to-face support groups
  • blogs – personal accounts of changing drinking habits
  • online communities – share your experiences, ask questions and get support


Professional support

Professional support can help you to understand your situation. It can also help you to find the best treatment.

Places to go for professional help include:

  • your GP
  • private counselling
  • online counselling
  • local alcohol and drug services
  • residential treatment programmes


Non-urgent advice:Get help with problem drugs and alcohol use