Created on: March 19, 2024
Modified on: March 19, 2024

Government has recently announced changes to the supports to those fleeing the war in Ukraine. These changes will take effect from March 14, 2024. Under the revised approach, newly arriving Beneficiaries of Temporary Protection from Ukraine who seek State accommodation will be accommodated in Desiginated Accommodation Centres for a maximum of 90 days.

Arrival Centres for newly arrived Beneficiaries of Temporary Protection will be larger sites offering meals and laundry, health assistance, and a programme of activities for children and young people. The Centres will also provide information on entitlements and accommodation to help arrivals to find their own independent accommodation and to integrate with local communities.

Beneficiaries of Temporary Protection will be entitled to a weekly allowance of €38.80 per adult and €29.80 per child in respect of daily expenses, so long as they remain in an Arrival Centre.

When they leave the Arrival Centre accommodation, Beneficiaries of Temporary Protection will be entitled to apply for standard social protection assistance, subject to meeting the standard eligibility conditions. Those opting to make independent arrangements or opt for pledged accommodation on arrival will be entitled to apply for standard social protection, subject to meeting the standard eligibility conditions.

These changes will not apply to refugees from Ukraine who arrived in Ireland before the policy became effective.