Created on: February 16, 2024
Modified on: February 16, 2024

If you want to work or continue your education in Ireland, you will need to go through the procedure of recognising your Ukrainian academic qualifications. You should get your foreign academic qualification recognised before you apply for jobs or courses.

The Irish National Academic Recognition Information Center NARIC Ireland provides advice and information on the comparability of academic qualifications. Where possible, it compares qualifications to a major award type and level on the Irish National

Framework of Qualifications (NFQ). NFQ is a 10-level system used to describe qualifications in the Irish education and training system. The comparability statement will help you, your employer, or education provider to understand your qualification in relation to the Irish education system.

You can compare your foreign qualification to an Irish qualification of a similar type and level on the NARIC website

Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) has information (in Ukrainian) about its academic qualifications recognition service (pdf). This Guide helps you to use QQI’s foreign qualifications recognition service